Rolipram 61413-54-5 avasimibe 50 108 mg PAV change 24 months

8.1 14.2% 16.9 13.9% pitavastatin 125 Hirayama observational studies atorvastatin 2009 28 28% chg Change the volume of the week record 9.4 10.3% 18.9 14.1% 80 weeks of inhibitor tests ACAT A MORE ECR 2004 Rolipram 61413-54-5 avasimibe 50 108 mg PAV change 24 months 0.7 0.4% 250 mg avasimibe avasimibe 98 0.8 0.4% 750 117 1.0 0.3 mg Placebo 109% 0, 4 0 , 4% ACTIVATE ECR 2006 pactimibe 206 Ver 18 months change PAV placebo 0.69% 202 0.25% 0.25 0.59 Table 1 Continued Study Design A n results obtained FU treatment endpoint main therapies hen high-density lipoprotein apoA I ECR 2003 Milano Milano apoA I 15 mg / kg 21 Variation 5 weeks PAV 1.29 ApoA I Milano 3.5%, placebo 45 mg / kg 15 0.73 11 0.14 2 3.09% 8% ERASE ECR 2007 CSL 111 89 weeks 4% change in plaque volume placebo 47 3.41 1.
62 CART 2 ECR Succinobucol 2008 12 months 183 Absolute Ver change in plaque volume 14.5 mm3 placebo 3.4 49 0.6 13, 4 mm3 Other therapies CAMELOT ECR amlodipine months 91 24 2004 Ver PAV% change 0.5 3.9 0.8 3.7 Placebo Enalapril 88% 1.3 4.4 95% Waseda observational studies losartan 41 2006 Changes in the composition 7 months in the area of the plate 9.9 3.1 mm2 no ARB July 23 months ON-01910 9.1 2.7 mm2 ILLUSTRATING ECR 2007 torcetrapib Atorvastatin 464 24 0.12 2.99 Ver Change PAV months atorvastatin PERSPECTIVE 446 2.83% 0.19% 36 months perindopril ECR 2007 75 Changes in the composition 1.6mm2 placebo in the plate 69 0.1 0.2 1 2 mm2 PERISCOPE pioglitazone ECR 2008, 179 Ver change PAV 18 months 0.16% 0.73% glimepiride STRADIVARIUS ECR 2008 181 335 18 Ver change rimonabant PAV months Placebo 341 0.25% 0.
51% ENCORE II Nifedipine ECR 2009 97 18 24 Changes in the composition% in plaque volume of 5.0 months in the placebo 96 3.2 APPROACH Rosiglitazone ECR 2010 233 change the PAV 18 months 0.21 0.
43 229 Table Glipizide 1 year primary study design processing n FU results re endpoint IVUS tissue characterization studies based on 25th Yokoyama atorvastatin June 2005 ECR month size S the mounting plate and IB IVUS tissue characterization by atorvastatin reduces the size Ver e of the plate and the plate Changed Contr Composition of the ECR 2005 Kawasaki pravastatin 25, 17 6 Month global IVUS tissue characterization by IB statins reduce, without the size S board of atorvastatin 18 17 plan IBIS 2 ECR 2008 darapladib reduced 175 12 months theft necrotic core by IVUS VH Darapladid placebo basic observations clearly necrotic fat fluvastatin Nasu 155 2009 12 Months 40 Tissue characterization of all VH IVUS fluvastatin reduces Volume thickness of the plate and embroidered the net tube fat acids Hong ECR 2009 40 Simvastatin 50 12 months tissue characterization by a total of two VH IVUS core necrotic reduced and an increase in the volume rosuvastatin fibro 50 fat acids Toi Atorvastatin ECR 2009 80 2 3 weeks Overall tissue characterization by VH IVUS pitavastatin volume reduction of plaque and fatty acids Miyagi fibro Pivastatin 80 observational studies statins 2009 44 6 months tissue reduces characterization by IB total statins IVUS lipid and increased ht fibrous non-statin 56 IVUS intravascular Ren ultrasonic integrated backscatter IB VH virtual histology Beauveriolides I and III, from the culture broth of the fungus Beauveria sp. FO 6979 showed strong inhibitory activity T the accumulation of Lipidtr Droplets in prime Re mouse peritoneal macrophages. The molecular target of this cellular Ren inhibitory activity T was studied in macrophages. Beauveriolides I and III strongly inhibited with the synthesis of cholesterol ester

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