BI 2536 vena cava were collected in a vacutainer additive in non sterile.

Every 8 h for 15 days. A group of six healthy rats was also investigated. In a second phase of the study, another set of 8 Wistar rats was examined. After CCl4 exposure and the onset of liver cirrhosis and ascites, the animals were again U norfloxacin 5 mg / kg / day orally for 15 days. 2.2. Experimental Protocol Twenty-four hours after the last dose BI 2536 of treatment, animals were anesthetized with ketamine and isoflurane inhalation. Procedures were performed in spontaneously breathing animals. A laparotomy was performed under sterile conditions and the total amount of ascites was measured. The samples were immediately inoculated into blood culture bottles. Vena cava, and cultures were also obtained. Examples of the ascites fluid and blood from the portal and vena cava were collected in a vacutainer additive in non sterile.
NLC region ileo c Wedge were dissected from fa Is an aseptic, removed and weighed. Closing Lich was excised the caecum and 1 cm was obtained from the wall of the appendix, weighed and immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen until measurement of MDA. 2.3. Blood samples from the measurements of the portal vein and inferior vena cava and the removal of ascites were obtained in culture media seeded t to the Pr Prevalence of bacteria To judge chemistry and SBP. A portion of the ascites fluid and blood samples were collected, centrifuged and stored TNF-alpha measurement. NLC and the cecal contents analyzed, and the Press Assess the prevalence of BT in CLN and IBO. CLN were placed in a glass grinder with 1 ml infusion Measurement of the brain and heart were homogenized 150 l of each homogenate / dilution on Columbia agar with sheep blood 5% and MacConkey agar.
The remaining homogenate was inoculated into 5 ml of brain heart infusion. Bouillonr Hrchen Were subcultured aerobically and t Incubated possible. The theoretical limit of detection of microbiological methods was 7 cfu / CLN complex agar plates and about 1 cfu / CLN the culture broths. Two hundred milligrams of cecal content was dissolved in 2 ml of normal saline Homogenized solution and serially diluted. Samples of 100 l of appropriate dilutions were spread onto blood agar and MacConkey agar. Blood agar and MacConkey agar aerobically at 37 for incubated up to 3 days. Identification of bacteria was Herk using Mmlicher process. MDA formation was determined by the thiobarbiturate reaction as described above.
Immunoassay for the quantitative amounts of serum and ascites TNF-alpha were measured using TNF-alpha in the rat Quantikine immunoassay, according to the manufacturer S instructions. 2.4. Definitions BT was defined as the presence of a positive culture of the RAC and SBP as a positive culture ascites fluid. Intestinal bacterial enteric was as a count cecal enterobacteriaceal h Ago as the average of the counts and two standard deviations defined in healthy rats. 2.5. The statistical analysis of data normality was tested t using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with Lilliefors Correction. Levene median test was used to determine the homogeneity of t to determine the variances. If both conditions are met, an ANOVA was used by Tukey’s test, followed. To compare a non-parametric ANOVA on rank levels in the cecal mucosa followedMDA were significantly lower in healthy rats compared with the placebo group.

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