Internal signal to get food and without concomitant efforts to reward associates Joel et al. The pressure lever in this Ispinesib SB-715992 experiment as a model for excessive and inappropriate behavior that characterizes human OCD postulates. Mandatory reduced lever presses by SSRIs, but not by drugs, the less effective in humans, such as desipramine and diazepam TOC Joel et al. Interestingly, it is in rats treated with Dcycloserine DCS, an NMDA receptor agonist reduced press, display compulsive lever, w During treatment of KS, an NMDA antagonist, has no effect on the lever Albelda et al. Based on these findings, speculating, the authors suggest that under normal physiological conditions, the NMDA receptor activity t r not playing In the production of compulsive behaviors.
However, the pharmacological activation of these receptors exert effects anticompulsive Albelda et al. Genetic association Masitinib studies in humans with a Zwangsst Tion support the hypothesis that glutamate-genes involved in glutamatergic neurotransmission good candidates for genetic association studies. Based on findings from animal models, imaging studies and genome-wide linkage studies, researchers have several specific candidate genes in the glutamate system approach using genetic association studies .. SLCA solute carrier, family, MemberSLCA encoding the neuronal glutamate transporter excitatory amino CarrierEAACEAAT acid, one of the candidate genes for wellsupported Zwangsst’s Requirements. In the first genome-wide linkage study OCD, Hanna and members al.examinedfamily seven pedigrees of the proponents p Pediatric noted.
Using Microsatellite marker was the st Strongest signal on chromosome region p, with a multipoint LOD This finding was in a knit Length study contradicts and separated by Willour markers that have been entered in the P region with inpedigrees OCD . W While the p-region contains Many genes known SLCA lt the only gene with apparent glutamatergic effects in the brain. In addition, SLCA is high in the Gro Cerebral cortex, thalamus striatumand which brain regions WBK Kanai and Hediger model, Arnold et al involved expressed. As Folgema Commissioning independent of binding studies, family based five Ngigen association studies Arnold et al Dickel et al Stewart et al Samuels and Shugart et al Aland Wendland case-control study and SLCA alfound, a beginner can Contain allele susceptibility for OCD.
The four studies involved specifically in the family-based gene region and found that the verb was Walls male specific stratified by gender. Our group conducted a meta-analysis of detect published shall, and without Published data from several populations of OCD, and vorl Ufigen results suggest that not only SLCA allele with a Zwangsst Tion is connected to sample E. Stewart et al Invariant lished results. The consistency of the positive associations for the gene with a lack of consistency combine for simple variants can be considerable differences allelicheterogeneity different within a single gene locus or causes a St Tion, the multiple, as yet unknown rare variants in SLCA or heterogenite t comprise k can not locus-allelic genes with other brain expressed in the binding region p. Our group and others begin to look f