The questionnaires Olaparib AZD2281 provided information on education, leisure time physical activity, smoking habits, alcohol consumption and a self-reported diagnosis of diabetes. Height and weight were measured without shoes and with light clothes. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated as weight (kg) divided by height (m) squared. Blood pressure (mmHg) was measured twice in the sitting position, and the average of the two systolic measurements was used. Exposure In the Monica10 study, the urine albumin concentration was determined by a standard turbidimetric method (Hitachi 717 analyzer; Roche Diagnostics) on a single morning urine specimen [17]. The urine albumine measurement range was 1.52�C3700 mg/l (intra-assay coefficient of variation, CV=2.2%, inter-assay CV=9.4%).
Urine creatinine was analyzed with the Jaffe’ reaction without deproteinizing and then quantified by a photometric method (Hitachi 717 analyzer; Roche Diagnostics). UACR was calculated. In the Inter99 study, the urine samples were cooled and analyzed within a week from sampling. An internal validation study with a urine albumin measuring range of 2.2�C4420 mg/l confirmed the durability of urine albumin in urine samples kept at 2�C8��C. Urine albumin concentration was analysed by a turbidimetric assay (Cobas Mira plus, Roche diagnostic systems, la Roche, Basel, Switzerland). The urine albumine measurement range was 2.2�C8000 mg/l (intra-assay CV=2.1%, inter-assay CV=8.3%). Internal validation ensured that the results were comparable throughout the study period.
Urine creatinine concentration was analysed by the Jaff�� method (Hitachi 912 system, Roche diagnostic, Germany). Other covariates Participants were classified in the following way (��study group��): no intervention [participants from Monica10], lifestyle counseling [group B from Inter99], lifestyle and group counseling [group A from Inter99]). Education was classified as no education beyond basic or education including students. Physical activity during leisure time was divided into sedentary, light, or moderate/vigorous. Smoking habits were divided into never smokers, ex-smokers, occasional smokers, current smokers <15 g/day including occasional smokers, 15-<25 g/day, or ��25 g of tobacco/day. BMI was divided into the following groups: <18.5, ��18.5�C25, ��25�C30, or ��30 kg/m2. Alcohol consumption was classified as consumption of 0, >0�C7, >7�C14, or >14 standard drinks per week.
The lipid profile was determined by enzymatic colorimetric methods (Roche, Mannheim, Germany) [16], [18]�C[20]. Fasting plasma AV-951 glucose was measured by the hexokinase/glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase assay (Roche Diagnostics, former Boehringer Mannheim, Germany) [16], [19], [21]. Registry-based diagnoses All residents in Denmark have a unique and permanent personal civil registration number allowing linkage of data from complete national registers on an individual level.