
Humour buy Pexidartinib may be

beneficial when and if an individual has accepted their condition and is feeling very positive about their situation. Humour coping evolved at a later stage once the males had indulged themselves in religious coping and accepted their physical change. None of the females stated the use of humour. It is found out that males in face of a permanent stressor usually turn to humour, or hobbies such as sports (Plancherel & Bolognini, 1995). The use of future practical coping was common among the adolescents with AA. The males said that they would earn money and get their hair transplanted whereas females said that they would persuade their parents to get them hair transplanted. Proactive coping behaviours were initiated at a later stage. Men and women differ in the use of coping strategies, with males assuming more problem focused strategies and females adopting a SCH772984 cost more emotion focused approach (Ptacek, Smith, & Dodge,

1994). Some of the sex differences are a depiction of cultural differences learned during the socialization, like males reporting control compared to females who said that they would ask their parents to get their hair transplantation. Females reported use of intropunitive avoidance behaviour as they faced more cultural pressures regarding their physical appearance. The sample was voluntarily based and a predetermined criterion was used to include adolescents in the study. No attempt is made to generalize these results to the general population of people with

AA. It is recognized that the participants might have psychosocial experiences Levetiracetam and coping behaviours different from other adolescents with AA. Eight adolescents were included in the study; IPA studies have been conducted with one, three, four, nine, and 15 or more participants (Smith et al., 2009). Although we need to further our understanding of the impact of AA on people of different ages and with different backgrounds, the current study provides some insight into the significant impact of AA on adolescents from Pakistan. Adolescent males and females have different psychosocial experiences and coping behaviours, so one focus of future studies should be to study the experiences of males and females separately. We need to know the impact of different types of alopecia, their impact at different ages, across sexes, and in different cultures. Most importantly, what can psychologists do about it? Health care providers and student counsellors need to understand the negative psychosocial consequences of living with a visible disfigurement and provide appropriate psychological and social support, along with recommendations for cosmetic covering of the hair loss, at least partly because current medical treatments have limited effectiveness.

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