These cases highlight the complexity of using phylogenetic analysis to determine the direction or mode of transmission in individual situations when events occurred at unknown times in the past. Among the 12 couples that had concordant (or indeterminant) HCV genotypes or serotypes, 50% were HCV RNA–negative. This rate of spontaneous clearance is similar to that observed among MAPK Inhibitor Library price subjects infected at younger (<30 years) ages (by transfusion of whole blood, receipt of contaminated Rh immune globulin, IDU, or accidental needlestick injuries), and prospectively followed for 20 years.24-26 Although a younger age at infection might explain the high proportion of
anti–HCV-positive, HCV RNA–negative partners in our study, one might speculate that repeated exposures to small “doses” of HCV resulted in an immunization-like effect or facilitated viral clearance once infection occurred. We acknowledge that we have not
genetically proven transmission among the phylogenetically linked partners, but rather have presented strong evidence for such a transmission. The method we used is much more effective for excluding possible transmission than it is for confirming it. The consensus sequence of the virus is heavily dominated by a handful of dominant quasispecies, and it drifts relatively slowly. If the genetic distance is not significantly more similar between the pairs than to the rest of the population, then there is no realistic chance the dominant strains selleck compound came from the same source. Proving (or providing strong evidence for) infection with HCV from a common source is difficult for several reasons. First, HCV passes a bottleneck upon infection (it has been IMP dehydrogenase estimated that only a dozen to <100 infectious particles initiate an infection, and these may not be randomly sampled from the donor quasispecies). Therefore, it is possible even with deep sequencing that finding identical quasispecies
variants shortly after infection may not be possible. Second, HCV rapidly adapts to a new host over the first 1-2 months of infection, leading to a burst of diversity and genetic drift. During the rapid expansion in a new host, there is little constraining adaptive immunity, and consequently novel variants are not selected out as rapidly as in an established infection, and immune escape variants that were selected in the donor often revert to a more-fit sequence. Third, HCV’s mutation rate is far higher than its fixation rate (i.e., the number apparent from population sequencing as we did). Therefore, at a quasispecies level, the viral sequence is essentially “shimmering” from the combined effects of random mutation and its opponent, negative selection.