F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd-funded HBeAg-pos (N=182) HBeAg-neg (N=430) Male sex, n (%) 125(69) 306(71) Caucasian/White race, n/N* (%) 80/132(61) 249/289 (86) Mean age ± SD 31.3 ±10.5 36.3 ±11.4 Mean ALT ratio ± SD 2.6 ± 2.3 1.8 ±1.9 Cirrhosis/bridging fibrosis, n/N (%) 21/151 (14) 39/384(10) Mean HBV DNA, log10 IU/mL ± SD 6.75 ± 2.06 4.14± 1.77 Mean HBsAg, log10 IU/mL ± SD 3.96 ± 0.84 3.49 ±0.89 Previous nucleos(t)ide analog, n (%) 39(21) 66(15) LBH589 manufacturer * Patients from France do not ha e race recorded due to loci 1 regulations Disclosures: Patrick Marcellin – Consulting: Roche, Gilead, BMS, Vertex, Novartis, Janssen-Tibotec, MSD, Boehringer, Pfizer, Abbott, Alios BioPharma;
Grant/Research Support: Roche, Gilead, BMS, Novartis, Janssen-Tibotec, MSD, Alios BioPharma; Speaking and Teaching: Roche, Gilead, BMS, Vertex, Novartis, Janssen-Tibotec, MSD, Abbott Wlodzimierz W. Mazur – Advisory Committees or Review Panels: Bristol-Myers-Squibb company; Speaking and Teaching: Gilead, MSD, Roche, Abvee Christophe Hezode – Speaking and Teaching: Roche, BMS, MSD, Janssen, abb-vie, Gilead Dominique Guyader – Advisory Committees or Review
Panels: Roche, Gilead, IRIS; selleck chemicals llc Board Membership: Merck; Grant/Research Support: Janssen; Speaking and Teaching: BMS Christoph Jochum – Advisory Committees or Review Panels: Gilead, Roche, Norgine, Janssen-Cilag; Speaking and Teaching: BMS, Roche, Janssen-Cilag, Gilead Graham R. Foster – Advisory Committees or Review Panels: GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Boehringer Ingelheim, Tibotec, Chughai, Gilead, Janssen, Idenix, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Roche, Tibotec, Chughai, Gilead, Merck, Janssen, Idenix, BMS; Board Membership: Boehringer Ingelheim; Grant/Research Support: Chughai, Roche, Chughai; Speaking and learn more Teaching:
Roche, Gilead, Tibotec, Merck, BMS, Boehringer Ingelheim, Gilead, Janssen Markus Cornberg – Advisory Committees or Review Panels: Merck (MSD Ger-mamny), Roche, Gilead, Novartis; Grant/Research Support: Merck (MSD Ger-mamny), Roche; Speaking and Teaching: Merck (MSD Germamny), Roche, Gilead, BMS, Novartis, Falk Manfred Bogdan – Management Position: Roche Pharma, Germany Diethelm Messinger – Consulting: Roche, Roche Veronique Cartier – Employment: ROCHE Joerg Petersen – Advisory Committees or Review Panels: Bristol-Myers Squibb, Gilead, Novartis, Merck, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Gilead, Novartis, Merck; Grant/Research Support: Roche, GlaxoSmithKline, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline; Speaking and Teaching: Abbott, Tibotec, Merck, Abbott, Tibotec, Merck The following people have nothing to disclose: Manuela G. Curescu, Anna Piekarska, Denis Ouzan Introduction. Treatment failure to nucleos(t)ide analogues (NUC) in chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients could occur due to limited antiviral potency, viral resistance or patient non-adherence. However, real-life prospective data on treatment adherence in CHB patients are scarce.