10-12 This SRT1720 technique has some advantages in diagnosing and differentiating brain tumors.13-15 Various diagnoses can be well made by an expert pathologist using touch preparation technique, because the cytomorphological features of smears in every malignant or benign lesion are specific. The objective of the present study was to evaluate four years (2007-2011) of using touch preparation technique by Shahid Beheshti Hospital pathologists to examine benefits and possible defects of the technique in determining the diagnosis of central nervous system biopsies taken during operations. The accuracy of the technique was judged against the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical diagnosis made by final pathological diagnosis. Materials and Methods
This study aimed at assessing the value of diagnosis made by touch preparation technique in 2007-2011. All of the patients signed the written informed consent to include their data in the study. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee, Kashan University of Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Medical Sciences. Biopsies taken from lesions were grossly examined, and hemorrhagic and necrotic areas were sampled and prepared for the
touch preparation technique. At least two smears were taken from each case by using two clean grease-free glass slides. The smears were fixed with absolute alcohol and were stained with geimsa and papanicolau. After the surgeries, remaining tissues were processed Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical for paraffin-embedded sections, haematoxylin and eosin staining, and microscopic examination. The microscopic examination of paraffin sections, and touch preparation were made blindly by two pathologists. To examine the accuracy of diagnosis by touch
preparation technique, the diagnoses Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical obtained by this technique were compared with those obtained by microscopic examination of the smears. Accurate grading was attempted in our study whenever possible. All the cases were reviewed by two pathologists separately. All the patients personal information remained private. The findings were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 16). Descriptive Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical statistics was used to analyze the findings. Results During the study, 139 lesions, which had been sent for intraoperative consultation, Carnitine dehydrogenase were evaluated. These included 135 brain lesions and 2 hydatid cysts, and 2 dermoid cysts. The average patients’ age was 57, and there were 70 males and 69 females. The total number tumor and correct diagnosis in touch preparation technique. Correct diagnosis was made in 118 (84%) of lesions. Errors in diagnosis were seen in 12% of lesions. The highest correlation (100%) was observed in five types of tumor, and no correct diagnosis was made in case of hydatid cyst. Oligodendrogliomas, haemangioblastoma, meningioma, choroid plexus papilloma, craniopharyngioma, megakaryocytic leukemia, and dermoid cyst were diagnosed totally (100%) correct (table 1).