Approved by: Royal College of Physicians, Faculty of Occupational

Approved by: Royal College of Physicians, Faculty of Occupational Medicine, NHS Plus. Location: Description: This 62 page document reviews the evidence relating to carpel tunnel syndrome, non-specific arm

pain, tenosynovitis, and lateral epicondylitis. Specifically, it reviews the evidence as to the workplace interventions that are effective at preventing the disorder occurring, reducing sickness absence, retaining the worker’s ability to work a normal job, and what is able to prevent retirement due to ill health related to these disorders. Literature searches found 28 papers directly relating to these questions that were then critically appraised. After they were reviewed, only four papers met the agreed quality criteria (SIGN criteria). The main body of the guideline comprises

14 pages, where each of the four disorders are introduced, the papers addressing these particular questions of occupational aspects of management are discussed, evidence statements are made and a table of recommendations is presented. Overall, find more the group found a lack of high quality published evidence to answer these specific questions, and thus have made several recommendations for future research topics and audit criteria. Other useful sections to this guideline are the two-page executive summary at the start of the document, and the 21 pages of evidence tables provided at the end of the document, arranged by upper limb disorder. “
“How certain am I about my patient’s diagnosis? What can I tell this patient about the likely prognosis? Will the treatment I

have selected do more good than harm? These questions are the foundation of routine clinical practice. As primary care clinicians, physiotherapists have ethical and professional responsibilities to provide the best possible care for every patient. To do this, we need to be able to make an accurate diagnosis, know about the prognosis of conditions we commonly see, and select an effective and safe therapy that addresses the patient’s goals of treatment. In an earlier era of physiotherapy, these processes were based predominantly on knowledge from clinical practice Ketanserin and experience. Then the evidence-based health care paradigm emerged in the 1990s. This, together with a rapid escalation of clinical research in physiotherapy, has resulted in the imperative for clinical decision-making to be underpinned by evidence. Without doubt there are limitations to evidence-based practice. Although imperfect, the evidence-based approach is considered the best available model for clinical practice, primarily because it is founded on the least-biased evidence from clinical research (Herbert et al 2001). Indeed, physiotherapists consider that the quality of patient care is better when evidence is used (Iles and Davidson 2006, Jette et al 2003, Heiwe et al 2011). But integration of this model into daily clinical practice is not easy.

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