ICal use of VEGF inhibitors in malignant tumors. Some of the objectives to be targeted in future studies go Further improvement of the clinical study design, so that potentially important clinical effects of these agents can not be ignored, a more detailed fully understand the pathways and the inhibition of VEGF differentiate the optimal combination Gemcitabine Gemzar therapy. The investigations are necessary to pr Predictive biomarkers that identify targeted for individualization of therapy, VEGF, and may temporarily normalize blood vessels leaky preciselytherapy E in the tumor, the effective drug delivery to the tumor facilitatemore k Nnte. Although bevacizumab is currently the only anti-angiogenic drug for patients with NSCLC is approved, other agents in clinical development.
These agents have been investigated in combination with a variety of chemotherapeutic drugs for the treatment of patients with small cell lung cancer. In this paper we have focusontheuseof therapywithantiangiogenic agent and combination chemotherapy in patients with advanced NSCLC. 17-AAG NSC330507 First-line treatment is the first antiangiogenic agent bevacizumab toshowa survival advantage if they received standard doublet chemotherapy in first-line treatment of patients with advanced NSCLC. A Phase II randomized study of 99 patients with advanced NSCLC compared paclitaxel and carboplatin therapy, with or without bevacizumab 7.5 mg or 15 / kg. Patients who U once again the high dose of bevacizumab had an hour Here response rate, l Ngere time to progression, and a trend toward increased HTES, general survival compared to patients with re Placebo.
However U, t Harmful hemoptysis was observed in four of 66 patients and was apparently associated with bevacizumab Epidemo cancer of, cavitation tumor, tumors located in the middle, and near Tumorgef e tomajor. Subsequently End ECOG conducted a big e randomized, multicenter, recorded Phase III trial of 878 patients with advanced or recurrent non-squamous NSCLC. Carboplatin / paclitaxel administered every 3 weeks for six cycles with or without bevacizumab 15 mg / kg. Treatment with bevacizumab was continued until evidence of disease progression. To reduce the risk of bleeding in patients with carcinoma Epidemo Of reducing, were metastases in the brain, moptysen therapeutic anticoagulation or a history of severe H Excluded from the study.
The prime Re endpoint, OS was statistically significant h Ago in patients who have back U bevacizumab. These patients also showed a significant improvement in PFS and RR. Erh Hte H FREQUENCY of bleeding, febrile neutropenia, hypertension, and proteinuria were reported in the bevacizumab arm. There was also an hour Here incidence of treatment-related Todesf Lle in patients receiving chemotherapy alone in patients with bevacizumab. The 15 ll Todesf In the bevacizumab arm were attributed to pulmonary hemorrhage, complications of neutropenic fever, gastrointestinal bleeding, stroke and pulmonary embolism likely. Bevacizumab was subsequently End admitted on the basis of the results of this study. Retrospective analysis revealed that the E4599 is not significantly improved OS with bevacizumab in women. However, it was OS, with or without bevacizumab in women h Ago than nnern M, The difference was not statistically significant. There was no difference in the patient