Here, we sought to distinguish these two general possibilities us

Here, we sought to distinguish these two general possibilities using a series of experiments on the odor categorization task in which we systematically tested the impact of manipulations of training

and task structure on decision speed and accuracy. Through manipulations of reward contingencies, we were able to slow down the subjects’ odor sampling times, but this failed to increase performance. Conversely, by increasing the predictability of stimuli and the timing of a response deadline, we were also able to increase accuracy, but this increase did not come click here at a cost of speed. Thus, the results support the idea that the limiting uncertainty in this class of decisions is different than the uncorrelated stimulus noise assumed in standard decision models. These results can also help to reconcile apparently disparate findings from previous studies of olfactory decision making (Abraham et al., 2004; Rinberg et al., 2006). We trained and tested male Long-Evans rats on the same two-alternative choice olfactory categorization task employed previously (Uchida and Mainen, 2003). Each odor stimulus was a binary mixture of two odorants and choices were rewarded according to the dominant component (Figure 1A). The difficulty of the problem was controlled by the difference of the

stimulus from the boundary (50/50), denoted the “mixture contrast,” which was randomly varied from trial-to-trial. A subject initiated a trial by a nose poke into the center port where an odor was delivered (Figure 1B). see more It then responded by moving to either the left or right choice port where it received water reward for correct responses and no reward for incorrect responses. In this task the reaction time (RT) consists of two components, the odor sampling duration (OSD) and the movement time (MT) (Figure 1C and see Figure S1 available online). As reported previously (Uchida and Mainen, 2003),

we observed a strong dependence of performance accuracy on mixture contrast (Figure 1D; p < 0.005, ANOVA post hoc multiple comparison test at p < 0.01). In contrast, there was no significant dependence and of OSD (Figure 1E; p = 0.88, ANOVA) or MT on mixture contrast (Figure 1F; p = 0.9, ANOVA). To remove any incentives for rapid responding, we trained a different set of naive rats under “low urgency” conditions with a fixed minimum interval between the beginning of odor sampling and the delivery of reward between the start of consecutive trials (Figure 1C). These rats indeed showed significantly longer OSD and MT (Table 1; Figures 1E, 1F, S1B, and S1C) but, interestingly, showed neither an improvement in accuracy (Figure 1D; Table 1) nor any dependence of OSD or MT on task difficulty (Figures 1E and 1F; Table 1).

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