In this way, the efficacy of tDCS was explored by calculating

In this way, the efficacy of tDCS was explored by calculating etc random model effect sizes (Hedges’ g) based on percentage change in tinnitus intensity in active and sham groups. Random-effects model is considered more conservative than a fixed-effect model, since it takes into account the variability between studies, thus leading to wider confidence intervals (CIs) [35]. The meta-analysis was undertaken using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) Version 2 software (Biostat, Englewood, New Jersey, USA).3. Results3.1. Included StudiesAn initial search using keywords ��transcranial direct current stimulation�� or ��tDCS�� screened a total of 714 articles. Adding another keyword ��tinnitus�� sorted out 17 articles from 714. Of 17, six studies that met the above-mentioned inclusion criteria were included in the systematic review and are summarized in Table 1.

Of the included studies, 3 were open-label trials and 3 were RCTs. The meta-analysis included 2 of 3 RCT studies and a total of 27 patients with tinnitus were randomized to active tDCS and 27 were randomized to sham tDCS. A flow diagram of the initial identification and attrition to the final selection of the studies is demonstrated in Figure 1.Figure 1Illustration of the steps of study selection.Table 1Summary of the 6 studies that were included in the current study.3.2. Weighted Mean Percentage Responders to Active tDCSThe data of mean percentage responders to active tDCS were available in 2 RCT studies [30, 37] and 3 open label studies [38�C40]. The weighted mean for percentage reduction of tinnitus intensity with active tDCS was 39.

5% (RCT 17.6%, open label 11.6%), ranging from 29.9% [38] to 46.7% [39].3.3. Weighted Mean Percentage Reduction of Tinnitus Intensity by tDCSThe data of mean percentage of tinnitus intensity reduction were available in 3 RCT studies [30, 36, 37] and 2 open label studies [38, 39]. The weighted mean for percentage reduction of tinnitus intensity with active tDCS was 13.5% (RCT 17.6%, open label 11.6%), ranging from 8.0% [38] to 30.4% [30].3.4. A Comparison between Left Temporal Area (LTA) tDCS and Bifrontal tDCS with regard to Weighted Mean Percentage RespondersThe data of mean percentage responders to active tDCS were available Cilengitide in 2 LTA tDCS studies (all RCTs) [30, 37] and 3 bifrontal tDCS studies (all open-label trials) [38�C40]. The weighted mean percentage of responders to active LTA tDCS were 37.0% (range, 35%�C42.9%), while that to active bifrontal tDCS was 40.2% (range, 29.9%�C46.7%).3.5.

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