It is estimated that between five and ten percent of the population have asymptomatic uveal nevi [26]. Therefore, the use of UV and blue light filtering IOLs could be considered a preventative measure against possible blue light induced malignant transformation of existing uveal nevi. Conclusion In summary, we present evidence that blue light exposure can influence uveal melanoma cells and further substantiate the
results of previous in vitro studies. Our data demonstrated a significant increase in uveal melanoma cellular proliferation after exposure to blue light. This data warrants further investigation assessing the efficacy LY294002 clinical trial of blue light filtering IOLs to slow the progression of uveal melanoma. Acknowledgements We would like to take this opportunity to thank the generous help and support provided for this animal model by the McGill University Animal Resource Center. In particular we would like the thank Lori Burgess, Karen Stone, and Dr. Lynn Matsumiya. We would also like to thank Dr. Martine Jager for the establishment of the 92.1 cell line. see more This study was funded by a grant provided by the Cedars Cancer Institute. References 1. Demirci H, Shields CL, Shields JA, Honavar SG, Eagle RC Jr: Ring melanoma of the ciliary body: report on twenty-three patients. Retina (Philadelphia, Pa) 2002, 22 (6) : 698–706. quiz 852–693 2. Singh A, Damato B, Murphree A, Perry J: Clinical Ophthalmic
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