post: 56.6 ± 4.2 kg; P = 0.54) remained stable over the 7 days (Table 1). The diet consisted mainly of vegetable sources (approximately 88%) with only a small MK0683 order portion of meat (approximately 12%) (Table 3). Breakfast consisted typically of milk, porridge, omelet and bread. Lunch comprised mainly of vegetable sources such as pasta, rice and lentils, while meat was served only twice a week and dinner was similar to lunch.
Food portions were chosen by the subjects themselves (i.e., ad libitum), as no advice or guidelines were given. Furthermore, two of the athletes consumed commercially available nutritional supplements (i.e., 100 g of the supplement consisted of 95.1 g CHO of which sugars 59.7 g, L-Glutamine 250 mg, L-Leucine 110 g, L-Valine 100 g, L-Isoleucine 70 mg, and Sodium 0.9 g). As for fluid intake, subjects consumed
water with modest amounts of tea, milk, orange juice and a local drink called Besso, a mixture of barley and water. The diet was high in CHO intake (64.3 ± 2.6%, 545 ± 49 g, 9.7 ± 0.9 g/kg per day (Figure 1, Figure 2). The fat intake of the diet was 23.3 ± 2.1% and 83 ± 14 g daily (Figure 1, Figure 2). Protein intake was 12.4 ± 0.6%, 1.8 ± 0.2 g/kg and 99 ± 13 g per day (Figure 1, check details Figure 2) of which 76% was derived from vegetable sources (Table 3). Daily fluid intake consisted mainly of water (1751 ± 583 mL; 55.4% of the total water intake), while the athletes did not consume any fluids before or during their training sessions. Other sources of daily Elongation factor 2 kinase fluid intake were water consumed as moisture in food (950 ± 60 mL; 29.9%) and metabolic water produced as a result of the oxidation of CHO, protein, and fat (470 ± 28 mL; 14.8%) which resulted in a mean total daily fluid intake of 3.2 ± 0.6 L/day. Figure 1 Macronutrient intake (g and percent intake) (mean ± standard deviation) over the 7 day period. Figure 2 Individual ranges of macronutrient
intake (average for the 7 day period). Table 3 Food Sources as a percentage of daily intake of each macronutrient Food Sources (%) Energy (kcal) CHO (g) Fat (g) Protein (g) Porridge 4.5 5.5 2.1 3.0 Bread 15.2 18.7 4.7 17.5 Pasta 10.0 12.0 3.1 13.4 Rice 5.0 6.5 1.8 2.8 Injera 20.8 27.3 4.8 16.5 Meat 5.3 0.1 16.1 11.9 Lentils 2.4 1.8 3.6 3.5 Sugara 3.5 5.4 0.0 0.0 Eggs 1.5 0.1 3.9 4.0 Milk 1.3 0.6 3.1 2.1 Vegetable Oil 10.2 0.0 43.5 0.0 Chick Peas 1.0 0.9 0.6 1.9 Shiro 2.1 1.5 2.4 4.7 Total 83 85 90 84 Otherb 17 15 10 16 Animal source 12 1 27 24 Vegetable source 88 99 73 76 Mean 3194 545 83 99 SD 329 49 14 13 *Note.