, With the grade 3/4 Diarrh at 20% and degree HFSR 3/4 in 16% of patients. Since the majority purchase A66 of F Ll have HCC in Asia, is the development of therapies S res and effective for these Bev Lkerungsgruppe can not play an important unmet need. So, w have Made during sorafenib studies provide valuable information available to patients with limited measurement Get nkter liver function tion, the effectiveness and safety of the essential part in determining TiAl patients with advanced HCC is a challenge. More recent phase Trials begin vorl INDICATIVE data on the safety and ef ficacy sorafenib in patients with advanced disease. A study of sorafenib monotherapy in 59 patients with unresectable HCC, including 39% with the status of CPB and 17% of the state of the CPC, has promising activity t shown independently Ngig on the stage of disease, and liver function.
The answers for patients on the state of the CPB were comparable with those of SHARP. Median OS, but CP-status decreased most advanced, most likely due to order AC-220 underlying liver cirrhosis, and because of the drugs and links are h More often with limited Nkter liver function, entered Ing related liver complications or systemic cause that a premature withdrawal from treatment. In a second phase Study, the pharmacokinetic profiles of sorafenib in both subgroups B and CPA, w While median TTP and OS appeared shorter events and side effects associated with the poorest liver function Were h More frequently in patients CPB.
Finally, a single-arm phase Trial in 51 Asian pa patients, including 15 with CEC / C status, no significant differences found between patients with state of the CPB / C and patients in the PCA rate controlled the disease, the median, grade 3/4 hours dermatological toxicity th or grade 3/4 toxicity th histological nonhema. Despite the Anf nglichen response to sorafenib, and Similar to other targeted agents, most HCC patients have a loss of efficiency. In addition, all clinical studies, 20% 38% of patients discontinued due to adverse effects of sorafenib. Similar to how it has been reported with bevacizumab, there is evidence that patients who discontinue therapy sorafenib may experience rebound, where the progression of symptoms Ation and w my tumor Highest rapidly to discontinuous . Although this accelerated growth seems to be temporarily productivity at the start of therapy reduced again insensitive t results in faster processing.
No effective Behandlungsm Opportunities exist currently second au Online adopted outside of clinical trials for patients who are resistant or refractory R and / or K Refrigerant releases Intol sorafenib. The Promise of sunitinib PAINT Besides sorafenib, sunitinib is the most studied MultiTar specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Like sorafenib, sunitinib, an inhibitor of VEGFR and PDGFR, and is currently indicated for the treatment of renal cell carcinoma and gastrointestinal stromal tumors. W During the first indications were that sunitinib effectively w Re in HCC, the stage Sun 1170 study comparing sunitinib with sorafenib in patients with advanced HCC was stopped because of serious adverse events with sunitinib, and the improbability of achieving effective hen no less connected to increased. Accordingly, sunitinib is more in the development of the treatment of HCC management. RE challenges in assessing the response TUMOR The two traditional imaging criteria h Frequently used to be measured tumor responses to treatment response criteria evalu ation engineer in G