The alternate homology filter identifies SNP calls that may have

The alternate homology filter identifies SNP calls that may have arisen as a result of this effect based on the difference in binding energy between the alternate (SNP) sequence and the reference sequence. If the difference between these two binding energies is = 11.5 kcal/mol, the SNP call is assumed to be an artifact of the alternate sequence homology, and it is removed from the list of high confidence SNP calls. The remaining SNP calls are then put through the footprint effect filter. The artifact called the footprint effect is caused by the occurrence of a real SNP in a query sample that results in a destabilizing effect on 25-mers in the immediate vicinity of the SNP.

The footprint effect filter algorithm assumes that a genuine SNP is most likely to cause spurious PF-02341066 order SNP calls at locations within 10 bases on either side of the genuine SNP. Any SNP call that occurs more than 10 base positions from the nearest neighboring SNP call is assumed to be valid, and any SNP call that has one or more neighbors within 10 base positions is subjected to the filter. EX 527 mw Since any number of consecutive SNP calls within 10 base positions of each other may occur in the data, this filter is implemented as a recursive algorithm. For each list of consecutive SNP calls that each lies within 10 bases of its neighbors, the algorithm identifies the SNP call having the highest quality score. That SNP call

is accepted as valid, and its immediate neighbors new are removed from the list of high confidence SNP calls. This action may break the original list of neighboring SNP calls into two separate lists. All resulting lists are processed recursively in the same way, until all of the SNP calls have been accepted or

rejected. This algorithm is implemented in the Perl program. All the above filters are applied to individual data sets generated for any sample, following which a final filter referred to as the replicate combination filter is applied. The replicate combination filter generates the list of common SNPs present in both the experiments. Phylogenetic clustering, selection of SNP markers and PCR primer design from multistrain global Francisella SNP collection We generated a phylogenetic tree from the resequencing data by considering only those locations at which a SNP occurred in one or more of the forty strains. For each strain, we constructed a sequence containing the base calls at each of the locations at which a SNP was found in some strain(s). This resulted in forty sequences, each containing 19,897 base calls (including no-calls) which were used for the phylogenetic analysis. The phylogenetic tree was generated using the MrBayes program, version 3.1.2 [15–17]. The program was run for 200,000 generations, using a haploid model. The root of the resulting tree was inferred by midpoint rooting.

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