The dynamics from the model qualitatively match clinical data Dr

The dynamics from the model qualitatively match clinical data. Drug treatment combinations with reverse transcriptase inhibitors and protease AZD1080 in vivo inhibitors are simulated using various drug efficacies. The results indicate that the model can be very useful in evaluating different drug therapy regimens. (c) Published by Elsevier Ltd.”
“In this paper we model and analyze the hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in a diffusion model confined to a finite domain, induced by intracellular time delay between infection of a cell and production of new virus particles. The equilibrium solutions are obtained and the stability is analyzed if the space is assumed as homogeneous. When the space is inhomogeneous, the effects of diffusion

and intracellular time delay are obtained by computer simulations. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”

biological dynamics are often described by different mathematical equations. On the other hand, some mathematical models describe many biological dynamics universally. Here, we focus on three biological dynamics: the Adriamycin in vivo Lotka-Volterra equation, the Hopfield neural networks, and the replicator equation. We describe these three dynamical models using a single optimization framework, which is constructed with employing the Riemannian geometry. Then, we show that the optimization structures of these dynamics are identical, and the differences among the three dynamics are only in the constraints of Electron transport chain the optimization. From this perspective, we discuss the unified view for biological dynamics. We also discuss the plausible categorizations, the fundamental nature, and the efficient modeling of the biological dynamics, which arise from the optimization perspective of the dynamical systems. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“We consider a rumor transmission model with various contact interactions and explore what effect such interactions have on the spread of a rumor, in particular whether they can explain the rumor recursion. Through

mathematical analysis and computer simulations, we conjecture that rumor recursion remains a major challenge to mathematical models of rumors beyond our model proposed here. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Barnacles, marine crustaceans, have various patterns of sexuality depending on species including simultaneous hermaphroditism, androdioecy (hermaphrodites and dwarf males), and dioecy (females and dwarf males). We develop a model that predicts the pattern of sexuality in barnacles by two key environmental factors: (i) food availability and (ii) the fraction of larvae that settle on the sea floor. Populations in the model consist of small individuals and large ones. We calculate the optimal resource allocation toward male function, female function and growth for small and large barnacles that maximizes each barnacle’s lifetime reproductive success using dynamic programming.

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