The recombinant lentiviral vector was named Lv-hah5. After 24 h of seeding 2 × 103 cells/well of CHO-K1 cells (ATCC CCL-61) in a 96 wells plate (Greiner Bio-One, Germany) with DMEM and 10% of FCS, cells were transduced with 10 μL of the Lv-hah5 preparation. Twenty-four hours later, culture medium was replaced by fresh medium. Culture medium was replaced every 24 h until cell recovery. The transduction was repeated 3 times. After transductions, cells were dispersed in plates of 145 mm selleck compound (Greiner Bio-One, Germany) and cultured until clone expansion in DMEM with 10% of FCS. Clones were named CHO-HAH5. Once they
were macroscopically visible, a cellular amplifying process was carried out with the clones of CHO-HAH5 randomly selected, until reaching confluent monolayers in 6 well plates (Greiner Bio-One, Germany). Positive
clones were selected by taking into account their ability to produce the HAH5 protein detected in an ELISA assay described below and by monitoring the insertion VX-765 supplier of the foreign DNA into the cell genome by PCR. The last procedure was accomplished using an automatic Mastercycler (Eppendorf, USA) and the GoTaq® Green Master Mix (Promega, USA). To amplify a segment of the synthetic hah5 gene, the primers: (forward) 5′-ATACCATGGGACTGTGTGACCTGGACGGCG-3′ and (reverse) 5′-GATCTCGAGACACTTGGTGTTACAGTTGCC-3′ were synthesized. Two minutes at 95 °C were programmed as the initial step, followed by 35 cycles of 30 s at 95 °C, 30 s at 66 °C and 1 min at 72 °C. A final
polymerization step of 5 min at 72 °C was added. To amplify a segment of the gene corresponding to the cPPT of the lentiviral backbone the primers: (forward) 5′-TGGCTGTGGAA AGATACCTAAAGG-3′ and (reverse) 5′-TCGAATGGATCTGTCTCTGTCTCTC-3′ were synthesized. Two minutes at 95 °C were programmed as the initial step, followed by 35 cycles of 30 s at 95 °C, 30 s at 56 °C and 45 s at 72 °C. A final polymerization step of 5 min at 72 °C was also added. Clones of CHO-HAH5 were frozen in liquid nitrogen until use. After the CHO-HAH5 cells reached 90% Hydroxychloroquine mouse of confluence in DMEM and 10% of FCS, a medium change was made. DMEM was gradually substituted by SFM4CHO varying the ratio SFM4CHO/DMEM as follow: 25/75, 50/50, 75/25 and 100/0 every 72 h. Detached cells were recovered by centrifugation at 400 × g for 5 min in each medium change. Suspension cultures were scaled up to spinners of 1 l. The immunoaffinity chromatography (IC) purification process of the HAH5 protein was the same described by [8] for the HACD protein. Briefly, a Sepharose 4B matrix (Pharmacia, USA) activated with cyanogen bromide and coupled to an anti-HA4 monoclonal antibody (Sancti-Spíritus, Cuba) was used to purify the HAH5 protein. Column was equilibrated with EB buffer (1 M NaCl, 20 mM Tris–HCl (pH 7,4) and 3 mM EDTA) at a flow rate of 0,4 mL/min.