These findings strongly support that the impact of nimodipine in this paradigm is through mechanisms other than those discussed above. We hypothesize the mechanism to be related to normalized spine density, allowing for an increase in physiological input sights for TH+ fiber reinnervation, and normalized synaptic inputs from grafted cells. Even if nimodipine was improving graft function via a pharmacological mechanism not detected here, this drug is readily employed in humans and not contraindicated for use with
clinical grafting. Our hypothesis that nimodipine-treated rats show superior graft-derived benefit due to the preservation of critical neuron structure (i.e. spines) within the striatum remains to be systematically investigated with ultrastructural analyses and is the subject of future studies in our Omipalisib datasheet learn more laboratory. While dendritic spine preservation may allow for enhanced efficacy (e.g. prevention of levodopa-induced dyskinesias; reversal of motor impairment) and diminished side-effects (e.g. prevention of GIDs) of dopamine graft therapy, several attributes of spine preservation and innate plasticity
within the striatum warrant further consideration. Specifically, while the current study found enhanced graft-derived benefit in parkinsonian subjects with preserved dendritic spine density, the impact was relatively small. While significant, especially given the small number of cells grafted into severely parkinsonian subjects in this study, it might have been anticipated that a larger impact could have been achieved if structural integrity of striatal MSNs was entirely normal. However, despite the fact that it is possible to maintain a normal number of dendritic spines by inhibiting aberrant Ca2+signaling within these structures, other pathological issues may still exist in the parkinsonian striatum. For example, it is possible that synaptic sites on the rescued, de-nuded Etoposide spines could have acquired
new inputs in the interim between the nigral lesion and grafting. Indeed, structural preservation of dendritic spines in the absence of normal dopamine synapses could result in the establishment of ectopic, non-dopamine synapses, an idea supported by Meredith et al. (2000). In such a scenario, despite normal spine density, newly formed dopamine terminals from tissue grafting would be compromised in their ability to establish appropriate synaptic contact. Our finding that rats with preserved dendritic spine density showed an initial prevention of GID-like behaviors suggests a role for dendritic spine loss in the development of GID. Indeed, our previous findings (Soderstrom et al.